Saturday, June 16, 2012

In Recovery Mode

It's been awhile since I posted here and for that I apologize. Getting ready for a major show like Bead and Button takes a lot of time. Not only did I have four classes to prepare for, but I had a slew of demos that I had to create designs for. Add to that designs of mine going into two books and proposals for Tucson and you can imagine that chaos that is creativity. Also weighing heavily on me was the fact that I was scheduled for an MRI on my head the day before I flew to Milwaukee.

After all that and 10 days in Milwaukee, I came home exhausted but exhilarated. Luckily, I only suffered one headache in Milwaukee and I think it was because I pushed myself to hard. But since I've been back in Toronto, I've continued to suffer migraines and neck pain every day. Not fun.

I have a ton of blog updates scheduled about my Bead and Button adventures, bead and book reviews and info about my schedule for the fall. And there will be giveaways. Oh yes, there will be!!

Until then, enjoy this picture of me basking in the sun outside the Frontier Center in Milwaukee. I think the smile on my face says it all.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Great to hear from you Steph, your adventures are so fun! Meanwhile much hugs to fend of the headaches...
