Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Ola Minha Querida Hazel!!

As we did not hear back from Echo, a new draw was made for the Making Elegant Jewelry for Special Occasions book giveaway.

Congratulations to
from Portugal!!!!

Here is her entry:
Hello! My name is Hazel, born in Toronto but living in northern Portugal. I started swarovski workshops 6 years ago as a hobby and relaxing treatment. I have jewelry experience from my university major, worked with a very highly knowed jewelry store in Portugal and then got unemployed and figured to make my own way by making my own business in jewelry making essencially with Swarovski book sure will help me evolve in my creativity. In better words...would love to win this gift!!! Best Christmas present!!! Take care!
I've noticed thanks to the Feedjit feed on my blog, that I've been having quite a few visitors from Portugal lately. Now this could be happening for a variety of reasons:

1. My friend, Christine who is originally from mainland Portugal is telling her friends to visit, or

2. My mother in law, Bernadete, is telling her friends....

3. The Dixon Chick Sparkle Army is taking over the WORLD!!!!!

I love Portugal and have been there a couple of times, thanks to being married into a Portuguese family.

So, Hazel, Muito Felicades!!! Felize Natale!!!

Remember, if you want your very own copy of Making Elegant Jewelry, you can buy it directly from the publisher by clicking HERE. For those of you in the GTA, I did notice that beadFX has about 6 copies in stock.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Hi again....can you believe that I had to read this twice to make sure my eyes weren`t fooling me??? hehe. I can not believe that I got my Christmas present after all. Thank you so much!!!

  2. Hello " The Dixon Chick "

    I also live in Northern Portugal, I have being trying to buy a copy of the book mentioned on this page but I am not able to find any suppliers in Europe, buying from the USA incurs postal charges almost as much as the cost of the book its self

    There is a supplier on ebay UK but he will not deliver outside the UK

    My contact details are

    I am currently in the process of designing a web site on Northern Portugal it is about 50% complete

    If you have a minute have a look at

  3. Hello all - I checked with Kalmbach who are the publishers of the book - and the shipping to Europe is only about $10 US. That's really economical!
